
UMass Amherst Permaculture Conference 2013

by Lucy Bergwall ’15, Sara Clark ’15, Robin Gimm ’14, and Josh Morrison ’16 On a Tuesday in late June, Zilkha Center interns Lucy Bergwall ’15, Sara Clark ’15, Robin Gimm ’14, and Josh Morrison ’16 along with Brent Wasser, manager of the Sustainable Food and Agriculture Program, piled into… Continue reading »

Biology 422: A Trip to the Field

Topher Sabot '99 surveys the pastures with students.

400 pounds of seed potatoes waited for students in Professor Henry Art’s Sustainable Agriculture course when they arrived at Caretaker Farm on a warm and sunny April morning. Farmer Don Zasada demonstrated with a small hand tool how to put the cut tubers neatly to bed in… Continue reading »

Berkshire Grown Holiday Farmers’ Markets 2012

Berkshire Grown and the Sustainable Food & Agriculture Program present two Holiday Farmers’ Markets on November 18th and December 16th In November, we welcomed these vendors to campus. Come to the December market for your holiday food and gifts! Corner Field Farm, Asia… Continue reading »

Food Week

Williams College celebrated Food Week with exciting events from October 19th–27th, 2012.   Williams College Food Week Mark Thompson, Campus Executive Chef October 19-27, 2012 Participate in Food Week events! Dining Services is offering an all-campus dinner that will showcase local, organic, and humanely-raised food in… Continue reading »

Log Lunch Features Local Produce

by Celeste Berg ’13 Butternut squash soup at Log Lunch Although I eagerly anticipate Log Lunch for the entire preceding week, I don’t have any tangible involvement with the tasty and intellectually stimulating event until consumption begins. For those who produce the quality eats, however, preparation for the next… Continue reading »

Holiday Farmers’ Markets 2011

Holiday Farmers’ Markets Attract Over 2,500 to Meet Farmers and Artisans Berkshire Grown presented the third-annual Holiday Farmers’ Markets in November and December, attracting over 2,500 people to Towne Field House. Farmers, food processors, fiber artists and more filled the filed house with seasonal produce,… Continue reading »