carbon emission reduction

COVID-19 and Sustainability

UPDATED 5/13/21 For the past year plus, staff and faculty across the college have been working on the innumerable pivots necessary to ensure that the college could still operate.  The Zilkha Center has been working with our colleagues to support sustainable operations and has also been… Continue reading »

Virtual Fall Family Days 2020

While we can’t welcome families to campus in person this year, we are excited to share an update about sustainability at Williams with you from afar!   Find more resources for engaging with campus sustainability at Williams here: Self-guided audio tour for Environmental Center… Continue reading »

September 2020 Update on Strategic Planning

The momentum of the push to finalize the strategic plan was slowed due to COVID-19, but the Zilkha Center has been working with the Provost and colleagues across campus to continue to advance innovative sustainability solutions.  We are beginning to lay the groundwork for more specific and detailed… Continue reading »

Zilkha Summer Internviews!

Each summer, the Zilkha Center hires about 8 or so interns in the following fields; Communications, Gardening & Outreach, Artist-in-Residence, Farmington Solar Facility, Sustainability Consultant/Green Offices, Sustainable Food, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainability in Strategic Planning, Or, Submit Your Own Idea!… Continue reading »

Emission Report 2016-2017

Here are a few of the items of note from our Emissions Report for the 2017 fiscal year As of the end of FY17 (June 30), Williams is approximately 46% of the way toward reaching our current greenhouse gas emissions goal of 35% below 1990’s level by 2020. Between 1990… Continue reading »

Community Climate Fund: Local carbon reduction projects

I just can’t seem to stay away from Amherst (really, the Pioneer Valley more broadly), and it’s not the wider range of restaurants and good coffee that are drawing me there. I’m recently taken my second work-related trip to the Pioneer Valley in as many weeks. Williams, Amherst, Smith, Hampshire… Continue reading »

How should we reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

How should we reduce greenhouse gas emissions?  That seems like a pretty simple question on the surface, but dig down and things get complicated quickly. Williams has emissions reduction goals – 35% below 1990 levels by 2020, then carbon neutrality (through the purchase of carbon offsets) by the end of 2020. Continue reading »

Reduce Emissions at Williams – You Decide

You may have heard about “The Wedge Exercise.” Here’s an opportunity for you to try it out yourself. The quick overview: Each activity at Williams College can be represented by a little slice – or wedge – of the total emissions on a pie chart or a graph.  What combination… Continue reading »

Large Scale Renewable Electricity Projects

Williams, Amherst, Smith, Hampshire (and sometimes UMass Amherst) are working on several joint projects – we’re hoping to amplify our impact, and we help keep each other sane and on track. One project we’re calling the Community Climate Fund.  (Read more about it here.) The other is related… Continue reading »

Meatless Mondays Continue to Draw Crowds

About three times a day, we make choices about not only what we want to make part of our bodies but also the kind of impact we want to have on the environment. For our planet, the difference between the Standard American Diet and a vegetarian diet is… Continue reading »