Composting Guide

Have any questions about what you can compost in the dining halls and what you can’t? As a general rule, all food is compostable, but many other items are not! Check out this guide to find out what can be tossed with the compost and what can’t.
Yes — all food waste, utensils, coffee cups + lids
No — Snack bags + wrappers, plastic cups, condiments.
Green compost bins are next to dish drop-offs in every building across campus!
The compostable items below are those from dining halls (Mission, Whitman's Driscoll, Lee Snack Bar, Grab N Go, '82 Grill, EcoCafe)
- Plastic wrappers (from crackers, etc.)
- Sugar, Sweet N Low, Equal packets
- Chip Bags
- Single-Use Condiment packets
- Granola and protein bar wrappers
- Vegan Sliced Cheese Wrappers
- Individual yogurt cups (the cups are recyclable)
- Individual soy milk cartons