A few bathrooms on campus are now listed on Refuge Restrooms. Refuge Restrooms collects information to locate ability-accessible and gender-inclusive restrooms.
The two bathrooms in the Environmental Center are on the list are well as one in the Thompson Chemistry building. Read below for more info on each.
And consider adding gender neutral or safe bathrooms in other buildings to this list.
Thompson Chemistry
Where is it: 3rd floor right at the top of the stairs (turn right if coming from elevator).
Environmental Center
The bathrooms in the Environmental Center are on the first and second floors and are the type with a single toilet (composting!) and sink with a door that locks.
We also sent an email to Living Building Challenge to ask if gender inclusive bathrooms could be included in in their standards of the Equity Petal to achieve the challenge. They emailed us back to say that they are looking into including it in their LBC 3.1 Equity Petal handbook.