Localized Weather Reports - Now From the Environmental Center!

weather station at Env CtrThere’s a new weather station on campus – and it is at the Class of 1966 Environmental Center.

“We recently installed a new weather station to help us monitor solar and water inputs to the ’66 Environmental Center,” explained Jay Racela the Technical Assistant and Envi Lab Coordinator.  “It’s a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus wireless station that includes sensors to measure outdoor air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, plus sunlight and UV. The station’s live readings and associated historical data can be accessed on the web at this site.”

If you have the Weather Underground app on your phone, you can choose Williamstown as your town and then choose the weather station you want to be connected to as well.  This one is called “Williams College ’66 Environmental Center”

Be sure to check out the data from the other campus weather station at Hopkins Forest and the other work that Jay, students and faculty from Environmental StudiesGeosciences, Chemistry, and Biology are doing in the Environmental Analysis Lab.

