Fort Bradshaw, formerly known as Fort Hoosac, has achieved LEED Gold Certification!
Renovations to this nearly 100 year old building were designed to respect the historic character of the building while meeting US Green Building Council’s LEED Gold Certification requirements. Additionally, the project is on track for Petal Certification under the Living Building Challenge certification, the most stringent building certification program to date.
The United States Green Building Council’s LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely recognized green building program in the world. By earning points across multiple categories including energy efficiency, water savings, resource preservation, and indoor air quality, this project is expected to earn a gold rating. This aligns with ten years of practice on campus, making this the 12th Williams project to earn a LEED rating.
Over 50% of the original building structure was preserved; 90% of construction waste was diverted from landfills and the majority of all new products used on this project were Red-List chemical free. (Many building materials contain chemicals deemed harmful to humans and the environment.) All new wood utilized in the building met the Forest Stewardship Council’s Chain-of Custody requirements (FSC lumber).
A state-of-the-art ventilation system with high rates of air filtration, flow and volume provides clean and healthy indoor air quality. Housekeeping products meet the EPA Safer Choice Label with reduced VOC levels and avoidance of toxins.
To help this building “perform” well and ensure a great experience for its residents, they are encouraged to:
- Wipe their feet upon entering the building.
- Use the coat closet to change into indoor (or house) shoes when arriving from outside.
- Avoid perfumes, fragrances and air “fresheners”.
- Limit the amount of time windows are open, closing when leaving a room, locking when leaving the building.
- Turn off lights and screens when not in use.
- Wash full loads of laundry (rather than partial) and air dry when possible.
- Compost food waste.
- Run the dishwasher only when full.
Residents each have a cubby in the kitchen for personal food storage. Refrigerators and microwaves are not allowed in bedrooms. There is a dedicated recycling area on the ground floor and basement as well as provisions for composting.
In the spirit of moving into a “Living Building”, plants and pots were provided throughout the building and residents were encouraged to grow plants for their air purifying qualities including the ability to remove volatile organic compounds such as benzene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Incoming residents also received a small pouch made from salvaged construction fencing that was used on site throughout the duration of construction.
-Julie Sniezek, Project Manager, RLA, LEED AP