Back in person! Root 2021

Photo of a large group under the shade of trees. People hold a banner in the middle that says "Root".

Being in person is so good! After hosting a remote Root in 2020, we were once again able to resume an in-person Root this year. With a trusty team of two directors (Jaya Alagar, ’22; Micaela Foreman, ’23) and 7 student leaders (Theo Detweiler, ’24; Laura Sabino ’24; Jo Hovey ’23; Sara Sanchez Alarcon ’23; Cyrus Naider ’23; Hikaru Hayakawa ’24, Emerald Dar ‘24), Root provided 20 students with an orientation experience focused on social identity and the environment. It was fantastic to be in person to learn, play, and explore the area together. As Root concluded, many students shared that they found a sense of belonging on campus. 

Highlights included: 

  • Historical tour of the Mohican Nation in Stockbridge, MA
  • Decorating air plants with The Plant Connector Person with yellow hair holds out to the camera an air plant in a jar.Person in mask holds a variety of air plants displayed on a branch.
  • A guided tour of Mass MoCA 
  • Zine-making at Sawyer Library with Hale Polebaum-Freeman, Reference & First-Year Outreach LibrarianSmall group standing in a garden with a cloudy sky. Sunflowers in foreground.
  • Tour of the Class of ‘66 Environmental Center and the campus gardens, including the Community Garden behind Poker Flats

Big thanks to everyone who helped make Root happen! Many thanks to Aseel Abulhab, ‘15, Natalie Montoya-Barnes, Jaya Alagar, ’22; Micaela Foreman, ’23, Theo Detweiler, ’24; Laura Sabino ’24; Jo Hovey ’23; Sara Sanchez Alarcon ’23; Cyrus Naider ’23; Hikaru Hayakawa ’24, Emerald Dar ‘24, Hale Polebaum-Freeman, Justin and Rebecca from Wild Soul River, Bonney Hartley, John Barnes, Jonathan Miller, Woolman Hill, Jane Sullivan, and everyone else who made this a success!Three people stand smiling in front of a t-rex head: man with blue plaid shirt, woman in a brown beanie, and a woman with blue hair giving a thumbs-up.