Earth Day 2021
A Conversation with the COOL Committee on a Net-Zero Williamstown—What will it take to get there?
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Time: 7-8pm
Format: virtual Zoom meeting (not webinar) hosted by the Zilkha Center and moderated by Hank Art and Nancy Nylen (zoom link and info below)
On the occasion of Earth Day the COOL Committee of Williamstown invites you to a conversation about the forthcoming citizen initiative to pass a resolution to make Williamstown a net-zero community. In light of advancing climate change and the substantial impacts of it on public health, the environment, and the economy, many towns and cities are working to reduce the emissions of climate-altering greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide. Net-zero means reducing emissions to zero through aggressive energy efficiency measures, replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar, and to offset any remaining emissions by investing in carbon reduction and sequestration projects elsewhere. The COOL Committee will share its vision for a net-zero Williamstown, including the planning for and implementation of a Climate Action Plan. The moderators will engage the panelists in a conversation and attendees are invited to participate with their own questions.
- Evan Wright, Williams College Student Class of ’21
- Niku Darafshi, Williams College Student Class of ’21
- Stephanie Boyd, Williamstown Planning Board
- Anne O’Connor, Williamstown Select Board
- Jason Moran, Senior Project Manager, Williams College
- Dukes Love, Provost, Williams College
- Adam Hinds, Massachusetts State Senator
Hank Art, Rosenburg Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology, Emeritus, Williams College
Nancy Nylen, Renewable Energy Consultant
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