Pownal Biomass Motion to Stay

Beaver Wood Energy has recently filed a motion to stay proceedings in both the Fair Haven and Pownal biomass plants — the latter until at least April 15, 2011.    Beaver Wood Energy, the developer of the proposed projects concedes — as it basically has all along — that its initial filings were not sufficiently complete, but were submitted anyway in an effort to qualify for federal tax grant funds. 

Since the Vermont Service Board denied the request for a ‘pre-approval’ that may have permitted the developer to receive significant federal funding for the project, Beaver Wood Energy proposes to go about the approval process in a more orderly way.   They are working on their air permitting and transmission line assessments.  

The filed motion to stay: BWE Motion to Stay 121510 SD

This delay will give all those interested in these projects time to understand the implications of this proposal.